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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Huh, news to me! The Chi Rho & 119/911 Connection

Well, I knew of the Chi Rho symbol, but like many other symbols, didn't think much about it.


Per Bible Wheel

"Chi Rho"
113(B)30th Prime
42(Eng Gem)
61(EO) 18th prime
43(EO,P!) 14th prime

Also known as the Labarum
Per Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labarum

408(Eng Gem)
57(Eng Gem)
48(Eng Gem)

I had no idea that it is also linked to the "911" we see coded in the megarituals.

Per http://www.thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Occult_symbolism_IV
"Note: The Catholic Chi-Rho Cross to the right of the Nazi flag. Chi and Rho are the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ. The Chi Rho Cross, or warrior’s cross, originated from the monogram of Roman Emperor Constantine. How fitting it appears next to a swastika. Following the death of Berlin’s Bishop Bares, Pope Pius XI unexpectedly selects Konrad Graf von Preysing, a little-known Eichstätt bishop, as bishop of Berlin. [7]"

I guess the "P" looking thing looks like a number "9" and then the two 90 degree lines forming the "X" are the "1"s.

It surely makes sense why it might be being coded in these rituals though, eh?
I'd think this would count as a graven image?

1 comment:

  1. Hillary's speech date in Roman numerals,,,
    Vii Xxviii in Simple Gematria Equals: 137=33rd prime
    Now watch this...POTUS Bill number 42 Hillary number 45(if she wins)
    "Clinton POTUS four two & four five" in the English Reduction system equals 137
